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  • Cat Hicks

Cat @ the Bridges Summit: References and Resources

Today I'm giving a talk to the fabulous Bridges Summit. I'll come back to this post to share my talk once it's available!

Meanwhile, I wanted to create a small post to list out the citations, references, and links to the work I mention in the talk. 20 minute talks fly by :), so here are the deeper dives for those who want to go spelunking in the research referenced:

  • The Performance Paradox.

  • Developer Thriving I've got a whole project page with various speaking and writing I've done on this, and here is the core scientific citation although it had a strict page limit, so there is much more discussion in the original report!

  • New Developer - our study on software teams adopting AI and the equity and opportunity gaps there has a lot more in it than I could cover in the talk, including a survey of folks' beliefs about the quality of AI

  • Our intervention study on Code Review Anxiety which was led by the indomitable Dr. Carol Lee and her clinical expertise in anxiety is under review right now -- but you can read the full preprint and see some materials at the project page!

  • Finally a lot of the overall thoughts about Psychological Affordances and Developer Experience are covered in this review paper I wrote earlier this year. Still love this paper.

  • If you want more Cat, and better than Cat you want my incredible wife Ashley who is a neuroscientist and educator, I also shared the new podcast Change, Technically we've launched on STEM pathways and making "who gets to be technical" bigger and brighter :) that's here plus most places folks stream podcasts.


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